Monday, 16 February 2015

Life Drawing - Action Poses

I did some life drawing using action poses and created my pages in a journalistic style, using Graphite Crayon, Conte and Ink Brushes in a few colours.
Each drawing of each pose were very quick drawings. Mostly 3 minute drawings. This meant that I had less time to think about each little mark I made and instead just had to get as much of the pose on the paper as quickly as I could. I think this was a good strategy as it was a much more expressive and a definite way of working, each mark I made counted.

Creating work in a journalistic style fills the page and makes them interesting and exciting to look at, especially when drawing action poses. It demonstrates a lot of movement and it is very expressive. I think that using mixed media on the sheets of paper was also effective as it layered the drawings and it makes it easier to view each individual drawing as drawing them on top of each other can get quite confusing.

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